The human species, I-you-us!, are waking up.
This spring brings an outpouring of evidence that we, humans are growing up to meet our meta-challenges, the crises we are all intimately connected with and to.
We are, individually and collectively, more than the sum of our parts. What’s emerging from the complexity?
The human species, I-you-us!, are waking up.
This spring brings an outpouring of evidence that we, humans are growing up to meet our meta-challenges, the crises we are all intimately connected with and to.
Kyiv, Ukraine. It is likely you know someone and our entangled connections can be supportive.
In service of this are several articles written in and around the Metamodern Arts Festival Kyiv 2019 and/or associated Emerge gatherings.
We are all continuously engaged in creating!
And that helps us all to effectively, individually and together, catalyze positive transformation.
This is a photo series on our ongoing evolution.
The series is monthly enklavene: illustrations of cultural and social entities (us!) entriely encolsed within, and creating, wider enclaves.
Our world is changing. Our thinking patterns are shifting. To answer our pressing emergencies and, fortuitously, engaging in this brings an aliveness like nothing else.
We’re a worldwide civilisation now and can consciously engage in creating thriving, just, sustainable futures for everyone. Yet, sometimes, this seems like a very lonely path…
We hope this site helps us all accelerate positive shifts. Amplification, re-storying and sharing awe…
Our future, ourselves, our planet and our stories, it’s all entangled ― Festina LentÍvaldi*
When we’re pushed to the edge and surrounded by disequilibrium are there places of grace?
Here are some resources and connections, links to the regular changes around us, for sources of magic and miracles.
Living through colony collapse is heart-rending enough but we are not without resources.
The more we avail ourselves of the hidden nectar of Spirit inside our hearts, the more we can become like stubborn, blooming flowers in a parched and dry land.
A koan is a dilemma, a mystery which the rational mind cannot solve—our global village.
We are part of the world. Yet, how can we be initiated into caring for everything? Even knowing we’re connected to it all.
Seek disharmony for peace. Momentarily day and night are balanced at the equinox.
It’s been celebrated across cultures and time.
A heart-rending story. Just beautiful. From faith and spiritual tools turning to dust to help—not only to survive but to come alive again.
We need cut through, insight and scaffolding to explore and enable our potentials.
But simplistic solutions fail with today’s emergencies. What about exploring the sublime? The new and upcoming entangled futures? The archetypes we often miss that frame and guide or thinking?
Simple please, not simplistic no.2 Short videos, playlist and photo gallery. Enjoy!
We already have all the solutions we need to ensure flourishing, alleviate oceans of suffering for all sentient beings and answer pressing emergencies such as climate. Yet, we act too slowly seemingly beholden to outdated ideas. There’s a strange attraction to our old archetypes. It’s time for an upgrade! What do the new ones look like?
We can forecast a more beautiful future and catalyze it. We’re, universally, selecting emerging synergy; elegantly attracted order; new beneficial properties.
This is a beautiful talk on emergence, its significance and fundamental importance for humanity. Emergence, its connections and underlying science are laid out clearly.
Read on for a life-giving, fount of energy. Love if you like to think about this in terms of what is being created.
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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Feature by Julianna Gwiszcz, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND; see individual posts for other picture credits.