We evolved as communal creatures, in close contact with each other, with a lot of mutual support.
Some agility pieces to connect with our evolution and step past individual only.
What a year: Worldwide, we’ve all shared common experiences with COVID. For the first time, it is clear we are all interdependent, interlinked and entangled.
We evolved as communal creatures, in close contact with each other, with a lot of mutual support.
Some agility pieces to connect with our evolution and step past individual only.
My world has become both small and expansive. It’s contracted to a room with a view of the kosmos. Yet the paradox is it does not feel small.
Sources of inspiration are all around us echoing through the generations and our ancestors. Valerie Kaur connects this with our collective memories and enabling hope.
Revolutionary certainly. Overall she frames this as Revolutionary Love in practical embodied steps.
Simple please, not simplistic.
Easily said but hard to do in our complex world. Music, poetry, pictures can all help the narratives. Enjoy these short videos!
Our world is changing. Our thinking patterns are shifting. To answer our pressing emergencies and, fortuitously, engaging in this brings an aliveness like nothing else.
We’re a worldwide civilisation now and can consciously engage in creating thriving, just, sustainable futures for everyone. Yet, sometimes, this seems like a very lonely path…
We hope this site helps us all accelerate positive shifts. Amplification, re-storying and sharing awe…
Our future, ourselves, our planet and our stories, it’s all entangled ― Festina LentÍvaldi*
A heart-rending story. Just beautiful. From faith and spiritual tools turning to dust to help—not only to survive but to come alive again.
We co-produce our present-futures.
Antony’s quantum cloud sculpture is particles and trajectories. You determine what you see and, similarly, are a co-producer of possible futures.
There’s never been a moment in time when we’ve been so place-based and yet so connected globally. Join Gaia Journey and the Nyungar Aboriginal Australia elders in learning from the past for the present, connected answers.
Re-integration of mind and matter is addressing our social and environmental in-balances. Peter Senge and Otto Sharamer layout this essential shift. It is underway and this change is putting us back together! Our experience, in the modern world, is to make sense of what we see but not include our own feelings and vulnerabilities in that sense-making.
How do we empower people to see the transformations that are right in front of us? In addressing climate and corona and other crises, we’ve got many great examples. Scaling them means understanding our blindspots, being a little aware of our inbuilt biases.
We have turned the world, more or less, upside down in five minutes. There’s a silver lining to this in rediscovering vulnerability, connection and friendship.
Alain and James lift much weight from our souls in this beautiful short interview.
it’s been an amazing year. I’m here to engage and integrate, as best as I can. To assist ourselves recognize and honor the beauty emerging, the collective possibilities for answers and a thriving world for all sentient beings.
Windows may be opening. Like me, you’ll have experienced joy and despair all at the same time. Maybe our feelings, our emotional states, are all true. All simultaneously present. From torment and unease, to satisfied and joyous, touching blissful and enlightened. What does this look like (and what’s the science)?
In these corona’s of crises, what is connecting and crystalizing while we are confounded and crying? There’s a creative cycle to the new. Here’s Yuval Noah Harari, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Zak Stein and Nick Cave with four deep and insightful pieces, relating to coronavirus and our climate, collaboration. Read on for connecting steps and transformations potentials.
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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Feature by Julianna Gwiszcz, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND; see individual posts for other picture credits.