Just turned one: what questions are we asking?
You are alive at the most important moment in history, the time where you can make the biggest difference …
So, I’m one and it’s been an amazing year. I’m here to engage and integrate, as best as I can, ourselves in the beauty emerging, the collective possibilities for answers and a thriving world for all sentient beings.
We’re ONE, what a year! So, what questions we are trying to answer?
We were conceived in the belief, need and desire for more beauty. Beauty to help us honor, highlight and adore it’s presence all around us.
We can be blind. I arrived in the world of Demosistō and theHong Kong fugitive offenders bill. Just six months later Santiago exploded, literally, as awakening spread globally. Then, December this year, Australian infernos took over large swathes of people’s lives—climate change coming home to roost.
Appreciating beauty assists to scale the transformational solutions we need.

Doubt and fear—and the uncertainty that undoubtedly accompanies both—can also be important anchors in this work. These anchors keep us humble in our need for one another, keep us questioning and seeking, and keep us open to change.
Julianna Gwiszcz.
Another month and I started living in a world rapidly running away from my adult peers’ experience. A world of coronavirus where it is clear we are interdependent, interlinked and entangled.

September: El mundo se despierta – the world wakes up
October: We rise. We stand. We speak. Think, are you thinking? >
We are truly one world
I feel I’ve always known that.
As far as the virus is concerned we’re all one organism.
Let’s stop a minute and appreciate the extraordinary responses all around us:
- People creating transition towns.
- Voluntary, almost spontaneous emergence of networks to care for the vulnerable.
- Rapid adaptation deepening local and community linkages.
- Simultaneously chatting to friends, new and old, around the world.
- An outpouring of connected creativity, virtually through video.

November: Engaging we became more courageous. Susi Moser >
Dec: Dazzling darkness—emboldening and less fearful. David Whyte >
January 2020: A winter solstice tale—direction past our limits Anna Alkin >
Why I came out of the womb
I feel a tremendous pressure to not miss a beat in this moment, recognizing that our window to act, to set in motion positive transformation, is upon us.
Julianna Gwiszcz.
It’s easy to be mechanical in our world. Economy, carbon measurement, green energy, an end to fossil fuels, etc. That’s useful and it is old thinking. It is missing half the picture.

Jan: restless stirring of a passion for that which is whole. Terrence Bishop >
Feb: We are taking a quantum leap—we are entangled together >
The other half
We need to connect it with our hearts, hopes and collective love.
Hence benevolution is honoring beauty. We’re:
- Recognizing it’s intrinsic to us.
- Present in the here and now.
- Helping to tip the evolutionary balance to collective benefit.
- Assisting convergence to positive pathways.

A benevolution
It’s exactly the right time.
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke

April: Relax! The fool as the wisdom keeper. Sarah Marshank >
April: Corona wake-up, an opportunity to move forward. David Korten >
Links and posts
Muhammad Yunus illustrates the benevolutionaries posts on this website. More here >
Hope and disappointment as simultaneous possibilities is here >
Julianna Gwiszcz’s quotes are for this article. Read Confronting fear: A reflection on transformations in Chile here >
Chris Riedy’s stewpot revolution is here >
The Think, are you thinking poem by Sandra Waddock is here >
Susi Moser’s Storms: thunder, creativity and impact is here >
A deep but dazzling darkness by David Whyte is here >
Coronavirus: Humanity’s wake-up call by David Korten is here >
Anna Alkin’s Winter solstice tale is here >
Go Deeper by Terrance Bishop is here >
Imagination, key to a quantum leap is here >
Kari King’s Marcus Aurelius poem is here >
Surfing simultaneous states is here >
Please see the individual posts for images credits. Reuse for most content is Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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