Lights, camera, simplicity: short videos cutting through complexity
Simple please, not simplistic. Easily said but hard to do in our complex world.
Music, poetry, film and pictures all help words. Hence these short videos. Enjoy!
A quantum leap in 17 seconds
Stories about collaborative shifts, what a quantum leap into solutions looks like. More in Imagination here>
Wildness and wet in 67 seconds
We can step back in time, step into timelessness, enjoy Inversnaid. Full post, rollrock highroad roaring down, here>
Attractors: strangely, we keep getting pulled in
If you spot it, you’ve got it … We don’t see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.
Aspect of the Talmudic decree
We are storytelling creatures—strong attractors here>
Go deeper: the world awakening or me?
Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not—Marcus Aurelius
Something woke up this last year… Post here>
Rainer Maria Rilke
Go to the limits of your longing read by Kari King
Stories we are creating are powerful. Full talk here>
We need help!
Helping myself, us, ourselves to realise the shifts we can make, changes and leaps to answer crises such as climate change. Full post here>
The window: love in the time of corona. Post here>
Links and posts
Photos and videos on this page are by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US. Except for Summer rain by Malcolm King Fontana & Sebastian Marbury here> and feature photo is from Nature eyes, creative commons,
See individual video pages for credits and background relevant to that video’s footage, music and words.
sp/ns (simple please, not simplistic) is supporting a new meme. The more commonly used tl/dr (too long, did not read) has outlived its usefulness 🙂
Summer rain
I believe in songs and poems and stories
Because they can pierce my heart
And the hearts of my heroes
And the hearts of their enemies
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Coming home
We belong to and are of the Earth but we bypass our sense of belonging. I missed this leaving home and my story mirrors our larger, human-wide journey. What do I need to come home?
Accessible, common and powerful
Awakening. It is not abstract. Instead approach this as accessible, common and powerful. It is helping us all to address our personal and planetary needs.
We are in a portal
I’ve a deep knowing: we humans have shifted. That’s disorienting so here’s 3 handrails to help: this is sourced in bliss; lubricated by peak oil; agreed by UN & 147 nations; and, all with dragonflies!
Very well presented Simon, encouragement to fruitfully think and consider approprate involvement for change, moving forward.