Shamanic sensemaking: conscious transformation

Transformation is inevitable.

Yet, using approaches that involve seeing the system and its patterns, sense-making that constructs new narratives and connecting can herald purposeful transformation for human and planetary wellbeing

Transformation: 8 steps to a new economy for the 21st century

We can put our rising awareness next to feeling empowered for change.

David Korten does so here taking what seems impossible to easy.

Disorder afflicts the land: and a story hero to restore harmony!

We navigate the world through stories. We tell ourselves them, create and hold on to them to make sense of complexity around us. What happens when they are past their use-by date? A new story is essential for scaling solutions. This is George Monbiot on these narratives and their power.

Our world is changing. Our thinking patterns are shifting. To answer our pressing emergencies and, fortuitously, engaging in this brings an aliveness like nothing else.

We’re a worldwide civilisation now and can consciously engage in creating thriving, just, sustainable futures for everyone. Yet, sometimes, this seems like a very lonely path…

We hope this site helps us all accelerate positive shifts. Amplification, re-storying and sharing awe…

The essence: Re-integrating with Peter Senge

The essence: Re-integrating with Peter Senge

Re-integration of mind and matter is addressing our social and environmental in-balances. Peter Senge and Otto Sharamer layout this essential shift. It is underway and this change is putting us back together! Our experience, in the modern world, is to make sense of what we see but not include our own feelings and vulnerabilities in that sense-making.

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A good anthropocene? Climate bright spots

A good anthropocene? Climate bright spots

How do we empower people to see the transformations that are right in front of us? In addressing climate and corona and other crises, we’ve got many great examples. Scaling them means understanding our blindspots, being a little aware of our inbuilt biases.

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Help find attractors: what pulls us forward?

Help find attractors: what pulls us forward?

COVID turned us upside down in minutes showing transformation is clearly possible. We need new narratives to carefully co-create a better world for all. You can help create these and find the attractors that shift us. What is pulling us forward? Please submit windows that you see opening and closing.

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Transforming narratives: help find the attractors

Transforming narratives: help find the attractors

Our job is to find what the world is trying to be. Can you help answer covid-19 and climate emergencies for a better future? Beauty changes us and is part of creating new compelling, strongly attractive stories. Help enhance these stories, they already exist. Submit your pictures, poetry, phrases, stories here to help.

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Four openings: corona and climate hope

Four openings: corona and climate hope

In these corona’s of crises, what is connecting and crystalizing while we are confounded and crying? There’s a creative cycle to the new. Here’s Yuval Noah Harari, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Zak Stein and Nick Cave with four deep and insightful pieces, relating to coronavirus and our climate, collaboration. Read on for connecting steps and transformations potentials.

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Climate change: A relationship problem

Climate change: A relationship problem

You are alive at the most important moment in history. In this interview, Karen O’Brien and Terry Patten explore what it takes to overcome collective trauma and usher in climate solutions. How might our hearts break open and not breakdown? What does it look like when we widen the solution space?

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Trust, reciprocity and communication: collaboration bases

Trust, reciprocity and communication: collaboration bases

Our ability to cooperate is one of our most striking human features. We’ve been fixing issues like climate, collective action problems and dilemmas, throughout history. Emergency help is here, fortunately. We’re all entangled with these crises yet we have the collaborative capability solutions too.

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Festina Lente

Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally


“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.

- Festina LentÍvaldi