Transforming narratives: help find the attractors
Your job is to find what the world is trying to be — William Stafford
We need to be drawn into collaboration.
Can you help?
Please add to the form below. Note: you may have found this page from the Help Find the Attractors post on the SDG Transformations Forum website.
Action needed: You can help!
Help find the attractors that can build a better future.
What attracts you—and what might attract others? Your pictures, photos, stories, poems, songs, videos, art, images, and words—ideas, phrases, and comments, will all help.
If you like, think about these as windows. Submit your actual or metaphorical windows. What is opening or closing for you?
Looking for inspiration?
Watch the window: love in the time of corona in 45 seconds.

Links and posts
The story and request behind this form is written up on the SDG Transformation’s Forum website as Help Find the Attractors that Can Build a Better Future here >
To read more about our opportunities see The window: love in the time of corona here > If you’d like to read the background on attractors see this post Attractors: strangely, we keep getting pulled in here >
The window video on this page is by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. Creative commons footage in it is from Cliff diving by Paolo Forti, Olafur Eliasson. ‘A view becomes a window’ by Ivorypress and NYX optical illusion by Voxstudios. The music is by Michael Davis.
Pictures are by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US except feature photo via Unsplash.
We’re never lost if we can find each other
I love people’s faces! Facebook video and it’s message is if you need help, or can offer it, visit its support hub:
Get the newsletter (story summary).
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