Tethers: maps and growth

Humans, shift. We change to understand the world from new thinking patterns.

Understanding that we shift—and some of the ways we can ease these changes—can help us all.

See further: through the clouds

What is above the clouds?

Climbing up and seeing what was previously hidden to us is a great metaphor for the vertical learning humans can do. These are discrete changes, step changes. 

Reframe and reconceptualize: Single, double and triple loop learning

Single, double and triple-loop learning can help us to un-stick our difficulties.

Mark Twain, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Mila A., Simon Divecha, Roebyem Anders, Joanna Macy and the Inner Development Goals illustrate how. Try it for yourself!

Easter unfolding

Easter unfolding

I am absorbed as I step into the galleries exploring a timeling of growth—our society changing for collecitve care.

It has been done in art. Done in enduring collective structures. And I feel deeply connected to the inner shifts that are developed and illustrated in these Florence galleries. 

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About transformations

Transformations is about emerging change—our world’s destabilising as some things get exponentially worse, some exponentially better. It can’t last and futures that encompass interlinked pieces—e.g. climate emergency solutions such as women’s access to education for fairness, equity and beneficial carbon drawdown—are what we can create.

If this sounds like a new level of thinking, it is! A paradigm shift, triple-loop change and new business models.

This page started with the Transformations 2019 conference in Chile. On the last day, Friday, 18 October, Santiago exploded. What’s happening in Chile mirrors pain and trauma around the world. 

You’ll see Chile posts cover the events as well as interconnections and what we can do to help catalyse new futures, large system changes, justice and to address emergencies (including climate).

More transformation posts

Fact: Fake or fantasy?

Fact: Fake or fantasy?

Is there anything else I can do? Marilyn Hamilton on Ukraine, news and weaving stories.

You may discover spirit, find buoyancy and navigate the turbulence of daily life: revealing the possibilities of a thriving future.

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Slocan: Integral forest cooperative

Slocan: Integral forest cooperative

Success across multiple traditions, values and perspectives.

The Slocan cooperative is generating healthy and vibrant local communities, building on respect for one another and a healthy, fully functioning ecosystem

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Festina Lente

Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally


“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.

- Festina LentÍvaldi