Planetary scale crises—climate, injustice, inequity, plagues—are creating great instability.
Yet, the very pressures of these issues may help us to grow up, individually and culturally, to be sufficient for the challenges that we’re facing.
You-I-we determine what we see. We are in intra-action with each other and the world, realising a panoply of possible futures, independently and together. This matters—it affects how you-we-I interpret and act. What we are, were and will be is constraining but not determining.
Planetary scale crises—climate, injustice, inequity, plagues—are creating great instability.
Yet, the very pressures of these issues may help us to grow up, individually and culturally, to be sufficient for the challenges that we’re facing.
Simple please, not simplistic.
Easily said but hard to do in our complex world. Music, poetry, pictures can all help the narratives. Enjoy these short videos!
We co-produce our present-futures.
Antony’s quantum cloud sculpture is particles and trajectories. You determine what you see and, similarly, are a co-producer of possible futures.
Windows may be opening. Like me, you’ll have experienced joy and despair all at the same time. Maybe our feelings, our emotional states, are all true. All simultaneously present. From torment and unease, to satisfied and joyous, touching blissful and enlightened. What does this look like (and what’s the science)?
Our world is changing. Our thinking patterns are shifting. To answer our pressing emergencies and, fortuitously, engaging in this brings an aliveness like nothing else.
We’re a worldwide civilisation now and can consciously engage in creating thriving, just, sustainable futures for everyone. Yet, sometimes, this seems like a very lonely path…
We hope this site helps us all accelerate positive shifts. Amplification, re-storying and sharing awe…
Our future, ourselves, our planet and our stories, it’s all entangled ― Festina LentÍvaldi*
We need cut through, insight and scaffolding to explore and enable our potentials.
But simplistic solutions fail with today’s emergencies. What about exploring the sublime? The new and upcoming entangled futures? The archetypes we often miss that frame and guide or thinking?
Simple please, not simplistic no.2 Short videos, playlist and photo gallery. Enjoy!
We already have all the solutions we need to ensure flourishing, alleviate oceans of suffering for all sentient beings and answer pressing emergencies such as climate. Yet, we act too slowly seemingly beholden to outdated ideas. There’s a strange attraction to our old archetypes. It’s time for an upgrade! What do the new ones look like?
We need cut through but simplistic solutions fail to answer our climate, equity and empowerment emergencies. How about sp/ns—enjoy the videos, audio and gallery below.
Imagine other ways of living. It’s surprisingly hard, delightful and imperative to have stories on how we dealt with our climate emergency, creating enlivening, viable-for-all futures. It’s a quantum change.
Santiago, Chile exploded. We’re all entangled. Can we help weave the pieces, protests, pain and possibilities together? Create flourishing just lives for all? What stories must we write?
I’m crying for everyone in Santiago which exploded Friday night. Yet there’s hope with the pain. Is it simultaneously shifting us? Opening better futures?
We can forecast a more beautiful future and catalyze it. We’re, universally, selecting emerging synergy; elegantly attracted order; new beneficial properties.
This is a beautiful talk on emergence, its significance and fundamental importance for humanity. Emergence, its connections and underlying science are laid out clearly.
Read on for a life-giving, fount of energy. Love if you like to think about this in terms of what is being created.
Shatter business as usual. This Climate-x story is about creating entrepreneurial, social and climate synergy. it’s a different level of thinking to action.
Sometimes the depth of what we face, the challenges related to climate change and our civilisation, breaks through. It's painful. At the same time there's much potential and possibilitiy. Even at this late stage for action. Can we hold such a dilemma - hope and...
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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Feature by Julianna Gwiszcz, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND; see individual posts for other picture credits.