We belong to and are of the Earth but we bypass our sense of belonging. I missed this leaving home and my story mirrors our larger, human-wide journey. What do I need to come home?
“Our future, ourselves, our planet and our stories, it’s all entangled” ― Festina LentÍvaldi*
On this page you’ll find stories about transformation. Enabling it. Helping to catalyse future potentials, alleviating much suffering for all.
How to: Nurture the fields of change
ow? can we nurture holistic system change in the world? can we open to nature and collective wisdom? are mind, heart, body and spirit engaged in our work? do we inspire coherent action for transformational outcomes? do we experience and approach...
Cultivating emergence: introduction
Generating Transformative Change is coming to Europe! I’m stoked!!
And we have an introductory online experience too, Cultivating Emergence. It is stand-alone. Come along in late Feb and March 2023.
Upshift: recalibrating,(re)connecting, transitioning
Connect more
Marilyn Hamilton writes about our eve of reconnecting— consolidating and integrating learning, reinventing how we operate.
About transformations
Transformations is about emerging change—our world’s destabilising as some things get exponentially worse, some exponentially better. It can’t last and futures that encompass interlinked pieces—e.g. climate emergency solutions such as women’s access to education for fairness, equity and beneficial carbon drawdown—are what we can create.
If this sounds like a new level of thinking, it is! A paradigm shift, triple-loop change and new business models.
This page started with the Transformations 2019 conference in Chile. On the last day, Friday, 18 October, Santiago exploded. What’s happening in Chile mirrors pain and trauma around the world.
You’ll see Chile posts cover the events as well as interconnections and what we can do to help catalyse new futures, large system changes, justice and to address emergencies (including climate).
More transformation posts
Insight: for change
Single, double and triple-loop learning to go deeper. This helps us to reframe and reconceptualise, to go deeper and be more effective, around the things we are working on and care about.
Three transformations: Fall 2022
How do we shift, our societies move, you-I-we transform for flourishing?
3 programs to taste, experiment with for free, to touch-in with.
And, to embrace all the way, should you wish.
Action: making quality choices
How do we solve problems with thought were unsolvable?
And, in the process, catalyze large-scale systems changes.
Seven quality choice points to help.
Inner development: why?
We are built to grow. It is our destiny to grow.
Watch Robert Kegan and many associated with the Inner Development Goals outline why this is so important to meet today’s crises.
Two sunsets: and an aurora
We’re living in liminal times.
We experience this all around us—the potential to meet our challenges, to grow and evolve culturally. While, at the same time, crises push our edges ever more to extremities.
This post is a space for some grace with all that is!
Pause: for music
Self replenishment, a little fun and reflective conversation?!
Hilary Bradbury on Music from the Action Research AMICABLE coLAB
Festina Lente
Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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Links and credits
Feature by Julianna Gwiszcz, Creative Commons BY-NC-ND; see individual posts for other picture credits.