Global sunsets: the kosmos from my floor

My world has become both small and expansive. It’s contracted to a room with a view of the kosmos. Yet the paradox is it does not feel small.

Immunity: dissolving a clot between ourselves and the world

There is a clot between ourselves and our world. As I struggle through a month of covid vax side effects what is this telling me? Joining up my extraordinary care with meta-crises and personal crash times. Part 1

Immunity part 2: visions beyond crisis

A vision? Immunity and the clot between ourselves and global crises. Extraordinary care for our meta-crises and personal crash times. Part 2

Two sunsets: and an aurora

Two sunsets: and an aurora

We’re living in liminal times.

We experience this all around us—the potential to meet our challenges, to grow and evolve culturally. While, at the same time, crises push our edges ever more to extremities.

This post is a space for some grace with all that is!

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Immunity part 3: descent

Immunity part 3: descent

Going down. Immunity and the clot between ourselves and global crises. Extraordinary care for our meta-crises and personal crash times. Part 3

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About transformations

Transformations is about emerging change—our world’s destabilising as some things get exponentially worse, some exponentially better. It can’t last and futures that encompass interlinked pieces—e.g. climate emergency solutions such as women’s access to education for fairness, equity and beneficial carbon drawdown—are what we can create.

If this sounds like a new level of thinking, it is! A paradigm shift, triple-loop change and new business models.

This page started with the Transformations 2019 conference in Chile. On the last day, Friday, 18 October, Santiago exploded. What’s happening in Chile mirrors pain and trauma around the world. 

You’ll see Chile posts cover the events as well as interconnections and what we can do to help catalyse new futures, large system changes, justice and to address emergencies (including climate).

More transformation posts

Re-creating relatedness: a meta shift

Re-creating relatedness: a meta shift

In the crises around us we are the problems and also the solutions. That’s a thinking pattern shift. From individual to collective.

How can we assist this for thriving in the hear and now as well as the future?

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Doughnut economics: ambitious talk as action

Doughnut economics: ambitious talk as action

In coming out of crisis, bouncing beyond the old economics that’s outlived its usefulness, actions speak loudly. Amsterdam and global cities are leading and demonstrating the next economies: these underpin solutions. They’re transformational systems for thriving into pandemic and climate crisis recovery.

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Ancestors: keep leading us into hope

Ancestors: keep leading us into hope

Sources of inspiration are all around us echoing through the generations and our ancestors. Valerie Kaur connects this with our collective memories and enabling hope.

Revolutionary certainly. Overall she frames this as Revolutionary Love in practical embodied steps.

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Festina Lente

Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally


“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.

- Festina LentÍvaldi