Grace, magic and miracles: while the nights are getting longer

When we’re pushed to the edge and surrounded by disequilibrium are there places of grace?

Here are some resources and connections, links to the regular changes around us, for sources of magic and miracles.

Independent and interdependent: our new economic story

Our next economies offer hope and life while keeping our modern-marvels

They are transcending limitations and weaving in beauty and care.

4 short videos showcasing these creations.

Unseen economies: Kiri Dell on replenishing and Maori cultural concepts

The paradigm has shifted in New Zealand. That change is heavily influenced by Maori culture and it’s creating significant value for us all.

Cultivating emergence: introduction

Cultivating emergence: introduction

Generating Transformative Change is coming to Europe! I’m stoked!!

And we have an introductory online experience too, Cultivating Emergence. It is stand-alone. Come along in late Feb and March 2023.

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Our world is changing. Our thinking patterns are shifting. To answer our pressing emergencies and, fortuitously, engaging in this brings an aliveness like nothing else.

We’re a worldwide civilisation now and can consciously engage in creating thriving, just, sustainable futures for everyone. Yet, sometimes, this seems like a very lonely path…

We hope this site helps us all accelerate positive shifts. Amplification, re-storying and sharing awe…

Crashing pt 2: western medical logic

Crashing pt 2: western medical logic

I‘ve been crashing for a quarter of a year. It’s incredibly debilitating and simultaneously it is connecting.

Yes, I’m still on the floor but there’s surprising power and insight here into our collective dilemmas.

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Crashing pt 4: taking the red pill

Crashing pt 4: taking the red pill

I‘ve been crashing for a quarter of a year. It’s incredibly debilitating and simultaneously it is connecting.

Yes, I’m still on the floor but there’s surprising power and insight here into our collective dilemmas.

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Immunity part 3: descent

Immunity part 3: descent

Going down. Immunity and the clot between ourselves and global crises. Extraordinary care for our meta-crises and personal crash times. Part 3

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Festina Lente

Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally


“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.

- Festina LentÍvaldi