(be) Benevolution
Benevolutionaries are people committed to making this planet a more robust, equitable, consciously evolving, cared-for and caring place for all sentient beings. They wake up in the morning, day after day, and this impossible, inexorable care is twined with the very air they breathe. They work (and play) in a diverse range of spheres and vocations on scales large and small but always with an eye toward inclusion, depth and range.
Benevolutionary posts
Re-creating relatedness: a meta shift
In the crises around us we are the problems and also the solutions. That’s a thinking pattern shift. From individual to collective.
How can we assist this for thriving in the hear and now as well as the future?
Seasons: sensing an aroma of change
We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are yet, in our pandemic we’ve been gifted connection to our ever-changing world. It’s a bridge to see beyond how we are.
Breath into February in this post.
Ancestors: keep leading us into hope
Sources of inspiration are all around us echoing through the generations and our ancestors. Valerie Kaur connects this with our collective memories and enabling hope.
Revolutionary certainly. Overall she frames this as Revolutionary Love in practical embodied steps.
Change: collective memories
Our shared memories, deep and seemingly historic memories are powerful. In creating positive change more potent, we’re more potent, than we think.
Samhain: A halloween festival of change
We have gotten it all wrong. I-you-us, in our ability to matter and to make a significant difference for ourselves, for the crises around us, are not stuck in our ways.
Hidden stories: Shifting our thinking patterns
Reframing controversy. Ryan Lobo’s photo stories shift what we believe is possible. Intangible and unconscious to compassion and connection.
Unconditional: Radical presence as a prayer
A heart-rending story. Just beautiful. From faith and spiritual tools turning to dust to help—not only to survive but to come alive again.
Infinite potential: Antony Gormley and places of transformation
We co-produce our present-futures.
Antony’s quantum cloud sculpture is particles and trajectories. You determine what you see and, similarly, are a co-producer of possible futures.
Benevolutionaries, transforming ~ benefit
Benevolutionaries start where they are. Included in their spheres of direct influence are the multitudes they will never meet and times they won’t live to see.
They are wildly diverse. Some are superstars in their fields. There are inspring intellects. There’s driven and accidental heroes. Some are people starting something simple and finding themselves changing worlds. And, there’s everything in-between.
* Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.
Muhammad Yunus’s quote is from his Nobel Peace Prize Lecture.
Catalysing, inspiring ~ benevolution
The stories for positive change on this site are across 3 broad categories:
- Beauty — posts on aesthetic and expansive experiences. Art, poetry, travel and emotions catalyzing evolution.
- Benevolutionaries — that’s this page! See above for stories and descriptions.
- Business — it’s meta-modern baby! Conscious collaborative climate and socially sane business is outcompeting our old modern model.
Background ~ better be…
(be) Benevolution aims to assist our deep longing. We are responding to a pervasive sense of the tragedies of our time and, simultaneously, experiencing an ardent awareness of possibilities. The site, its stories and perspectives are to help our agency and engagement – with the painful and the promising – for practical, ethical flourishing.
Stories from before 2019 are drawn from Kings Catch Fire and Greenmode – some of our previous explorations and engagements in personal, family, species, socitey and global thriving.
Festina Lente
Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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