(be) Benevolution
“Synthesis for step change. We’re consciously managing more abstract, longer term goals. We’re assimilating negative feedback. This wins capital in the new world” ― Festina LentÍvaldi*
Conscious collaborative business outcompetes
Today’s significant issues cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them. There’s a new, step change, coming. We’ve had the Industrial Revolution and the Exponential Organisation – iCentered and Information Revolution – is with us.
What’s the next step? Benevolution is already outcompeting the old systems.
Business posts
We are in a portal
I’ve a deep knowing: we humans have shifted. That’s disorienting so here’s 3 handrails to help: this is sourced in bliss; lubricated by peak oil; agreed by UN & 147 nations; and, all with dragonflies!
A mindset of transformation
Our multiplying and interconnected eco-social crises are met through awakening and love: bigger realities, ways of thinking, being and doing.
Solar sunrise
Green power, address poverty, fill up with passion and deliver powerful repair tools assisting planetary imperatives? 75 million reasons for reconceptualising ourselves and communicating sustainability.
Love Life Aliveness
We know transformation emerges from new ways of thinking and being. However, the how is less clear. Three calls for this: to love, to aliveness, to life. Two practices. One love!
We all have developmental tethers. They are echos of our old selves. They are usually in various states of integration. Try exploring them while being gentle with yourself.
That Rascal. Got me.
A fracture, the slope I am on starts avalanching.
This is a piece on embracing pain and fear. You’ll find there’s a signal there for you.
Integral: Emergence
This experiential dive into individual and collective emergence, explores generative listening, embracing polarities, and embodying presence. We will learn about and practice with awakened wholeness.
How to: Nurture the fields of change
ow? can we nurture holistic system change in the world? can we open to nature and collective wisdom? are mind, heart, body and spirit engaged in our work? do we inspire coherent action for transformational outcomes? do we experience and approach...
Business, transforming ~ benefit
Benevolution’s business stories are about today’s step changes. This is like the shifts brought about by the industrial and information revolutions alongside the political/social reformations that co-created them.
It is really hard to see such step shifts while they are occuring. There’s evidence the next phase, call it meta-modern, is underway. Signs include:
- We are living in an era of exponential change. Things are getting exponentially better, other things exponentially worse – simultaneously. Current ways of organising are destabilising.
- Synergy: when we synthesize disparate viewpoints, demands and imperatives new solutions can emerge.
- Climate change is a good example. Addressing it requires new thinking. Businesses that reverse global warming and are more socially and financially profitable, synchronously as they grow, are emerging.
* Quote with thanks to Hanzi Freinacht: We’re moving from the industrial age. We’re enabled by the internet age. In a globalized, post-industrial, market together these mean significant change. That change is a new step – metamodern. See Hanzi’s Listening Society book for an eloquent and compelling read on benevolutionary change.
Catalysing, inspiring ~ benevolution
The stories for positive change on this site are across 3 broad categories:
- Beauty – posts on aesthetic and expansive experiences. Art, poetry, travel and emotions catalyzing evolution.
- Benevolutionaries – superstars, accidental heroes, inspiring intellects and everyone between. People breaking boundaries.
- Business – that’s this page! See above for details and stories.
Background ~ better be…
(be) Benevolution aims to assist our deep longing. We are responding to a pervasive sense of the tragedies of our time and, simultaneously, experiencing an ardent awareness of possibilities. The site, its stories and perspectives are to help our agency and engagement – with the painful and the promising – for practical, ethical flourishing.
Stories from before 2019 are drawn from Kings Catch Fire and Greenmode – some of our previous explorations and engagements in personal, family, species, socitey and global thriving.
Festina Lente
Make haste – slowly, powerfully, minimally
“Hasten slowly” said Augustus. Oh, this is hard. To imagine what can be created, to hold back, to act; to engage means delving into both despair and hope. That’s where we’re challenged to see the powerful in what we do which is always minimal and micro. Feeling adequate in the face of manifest inadequacy. Weaving together the pieces that hasten, slowly and steadily, benevolution.
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