Love Life Aliveness

Love Life Aliveness

We know transformation emerges from new ways of thinking and being. However, the how is less clear. Three calls for this: to love, to aliveness, to life. Two practices. One love!

Unfolding realities

Unfolding realities

One in fifty billion: At these odds I’m looking for what else is real and, while it does not serve me to hold onto conventional worldviews, unfolding into bigger realities is challenging.



We all have developmental tethers. They are echos of our old selves. They are usually in various states of integration. Try exploring them while being gentle with yourself.

2.0 Conceptual to perceptual

2.0 Conceptual to perceptual

A shift from conceptual to perceptual and how do I feel now?

I’m massively buoyed by all of the extraordinary collaborative components that are allowing and validating the positive changes within us all. You’ll see how alive this set of connections is in me in the cover picture too.

Easter unfolding

Easter unfolding

I am absorbed as I step into the galleries exploring a timeling of growth—our society changing for collecitve care.

It has been done in art. Done in enduring collective structures. And I feel deeply connected to the inner shifts that are developed and illustrated in these Florence galleries.