Jamii Bora – Better than Good

Jamii Bora – Better than Good

Jamii is the plural of family in Swahili Bora is good, but not just good, better than good Like many beautiful unfoldings, the initial seeds of Jamii Bora were sewn with no idea about what yield would eventually follow. Ingrid Munro grew up in Sweden and had a rather...
Culture Shock Kenya Style, Part 2

Culture Shock Kenya Style, Part 2

Editorial note: In a previous blog I stated that the population in Kibera slum is close to 2 million. There appears to be quite a bit of disagreement and uncertainty on this figure. A 2009 census put the number much lower: around 171,000. That may reflect the many...
Culture Shock Kenya Style, Part 1

Culture Shock Kenya Style, Part 1

Swahili language and greetings lesson of the day: Mzungu-a European, but really any white person Mutatu-Mini-van straight out of Mad Max, people packed in like sardines, a “solicitor” hanging out of the open door shrieking for potential customers, drives on sidewalks...
Back From the Bush

Back From the Bush

Giraffe trivia, match the following: Maasai Giraffe, Reticulated Giraffe, Rothschild Giraffe The most endangered subspecies, Can interbreed with other giraffe subspecies, The largest subspecies (answers at the end of the blog) The sadness of leaving our new friends...