Imagine a world where education is a given, healthcare is a right, transportation is available, and poverty is seen as a fault in our society. This is a world we can create together.
What do you envision?
New story
The United States of America is built on a fractured narrative. The thinking that we are greedy, individualists who are only looking to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps is unrealistic and untrue.
Rather, we live in a system that does not support human flourishing. Our current system exploits nature, was founded on white-supremacist ideologies and prioritizes the growth of corporations and the pursuit of monetary wealth above all else.
We need a new economic story; one that prioritizes human and ecological wellbeing.
Healing and care
All life is served in this narrative. A Wellbeing Economy values human connection and interdependence alongside competition and individuality. It prioritizes people and the planet.
It is based on abundance: we are more successful when everyone is provided for and able to live up to their potential. It is a system that decolonizes our minds, acknowledges past failures, and heals us as a nation.
We can transcend the past system and shift toward a society in which compassion and care are at the root.
Your story
Links and posts
The Wellbeing Economy Alliance explains how The United States of America has the resources necessary for this transition to a Wellbeing Economy here>
For more images, videos and articles on stories and transformation see:
- For more on what draws us in see Attractors: Strangely we keep getting pulled in here>
- Hidden stories: Shifting our thinking patterns here>
- Sandra Waddock on memes and narratives see Shamanic sensemaking: conscious transformation here> plus:
- David Korten on Transformation: 8 steps to a new economy for the 21st century here>
- For a practical example of how this works see Powerful stories: we’re better together here>
A visual index of articles about transformation is here> and short simple but not simplistic please videos is here>
Banner photo is Keith Luke unsplash stock. Resources background by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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