How to: Nurture the fields of change
can we nurture holistic system change in the world?
can we open to nature and collective wisdom?
are mind, heart, body and spirit engaged in our work?
do we inspire coherent action for transformational outcomes?
do we experience and approach the challenges we encounter?
Join for a co-created journey of holistic change-facilitation
I, Simon Divecha, am thrilled to be involved in holding a part of the Alef Trust’s Nurturing the fields of change program.
There’s still time to join>
I’m doubly excited and engaged as this is a holistic embrace. It
emerges through Earth-based wisdom.
It is
rooted in integral and transpersonal frameworks.
Ok. What? !
Nurturing the fields of change is gloriously connecting our inner and outer worlds, the pieces beyond ourselves and the pieces within ourselves for impact. It
combines interactive presentations and dialogues with opportunities for personal reflection and integrative development.
It engages us in inner work, evolving our capacities and skills, our abilities to create impact and shifts around us and with others.
Importantly, it is doing this from a perspective that we are whole-people with whole-systems. That is, we’re not trying to focus on just one particular silver bullet, a key. You’ll find these but, in the words of Al Gore, it’s more like silver buckshot. There are many and varied valid approaches and it’s all of these combined that are vital for positive shifts.
Watch Jessica Bockler and the Alef Trust’s presentation on Nurturing the fields of change.
Tier 1: Widening Perspectives
- 10 interactive sessions, exploring the principles and practice of holistic change-facilitation.
Voluntary donation or FREE
Tier 2: Deepening Reflections (includes Tier 1)
- 10 fireside conversations with leaders in the field
- 10 monthly facilitated reflective circles in small groups
- Discussion forum
Tier 3: Evolving Facilitation (includes Tier 1 & 2)
- Introductory module to help you plan your Integrative Practice quest
- 4 further modules based on seasonal cycles of holistic change
- 5 one-to-one coaching sessions to access your fullest potential and performance

Links and credits
For more about the Alef Trust see its webpage here>
On (be) Benevolution you will find a visual index of articles transformation index here>
Photos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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