Cultivating emergence: introduction
Generating Transformative Change, Pacific Integral’s og, in-person program, is coming to Europe! I’m stoked!!
And we have an introductory online experience too, Cultivating Emergence. It is stand-alone. Come along in April and early May 2023.
Simon Divecha: I’ve been delighted and surprised since unexpectedly coming to live in Europe. The social innovation I consistently encounter is very alive. Discussions, spaces, reframing and more are all pushing the boundaries—experientially, cognitively and practically.
Consequently, after a hundred conversations with so many awesome practitioners—from coaches to systems change agents, from people growing embodied consciousness for all to, those scaling, deepening and entwining connections—I’m thrilled that everyone felt there is a space on this continent for the Generating Transformative Change program.
Doubly thrilled. We got it announced and a stand-alone introductory series designed.—Cultivating Emergence.

Cultivating emergence: Towards a beneficial future for all
It’s been our deep honor to be engaged in transformative learning and development over the past 18 years. Through over 30 Generating Transformative Change (GTC) cohorts in the US, Ethiopia, and Australia/New Zealand it has been a deep dive for all. Now, we are bringing GTC to Europe and we’d like to share learnings and practices with you.
- Apr 11: Awakened Wholeness: The Ground of an Emergent Future
- Apr 18: The Power of the Disorienting Dilemma: Embracing the Unknown, the Unwanted and the Impossible
- May 2: Co-Evolution of I and We: Leadership and Collaboration from a Deeper Coherence

Register for the introductory series
(registration links open on Pacific Integral’s website)

Links and credits
For more about Pacific Integral and the Generating Transformative Change program see the GTC webpage here>
On (be) Benevolution you will find a visual index of articles transformation index here>
And complement the index with this super fabulous talk by Barrett Brown on communicating sustainability webpage and video here> Video only below/right here>
Photos from Integral Performance Framework public presentations. Additional photos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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