An enklavene: fractal
A fractal, a never-ending pattern.
This enklavene is, loosely, a set of fractals. We zoom in from the bottom of the mountain and the mini-cliff-edged sheep (she looks perfectly at ease!) to the mountain cliffs to the rocks on top.
Each repeats the pattern. It’s a metaphor for our agency. The patterns we see, feel, are aware of and create in ourselves can, and do, repeat in the world.
Click on the gallery below, to size it to your screen, and pause.
An enclosure. The metaphor is that humans and our relationships make similar patterns. What I-you-we create inside us, right now, embeds and influences the values around us. Most immediately we see that in our friends and family.
Powerfully, fractals speak to the notions that if:
our actions are consistent with values that apply to the whole, they will create new patterns that are replicated through language, stories, and meaning-making at all scales … a pattern that repeats itself nonlocally
Karen O’Brien*
These repeating patterns may be more than a metaphor. There is some evidence we will find more and more analogous patterns and, what we are creating on a micro-scale can be highly influential on a large-scale.
That matters as we are shifting to meet the many meta-crises around us like climate, injustice and inequity.
Click on the photo gallery above and pause, 3 photos, for the patterns. Enklavene is a fractal word. Within an enclosure’s boundary is a pattern. There’s another boundary within, within that pattern…
Photos and videos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US. *For more on fractals and change see Karen O’Brien’s You matter more than you think here>
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