from 2030
I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.
– John O’Donohue, “Fluent,” Conamara Blues
The stories we tell ourselves are determining what unfolds and creating our futures.
Join us, in this video, at the Climate COP Glasgow 2021 for stories that open and activate our visions past current emergencies.
Links and posts
Stories from 2030 is a book of:
restlessness, disruption, conflagrations, faraday tents, myth-makers, bubble-worlds, local nomads, transformation, resilience and the power of the exponential.
The book is about Vision with action. It features 82 contributors addressing:
climate justice, collaboration across countries, companies and communities, adaptation of cities and economies, of ecosystems and biodiversity, of health and wellbeing.
See the book website here>
Backgrounds by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
Key & Peele
He wasn’t ready for the hologram. 3D vison? And a story 🙂
Get the newsletter (story summary).
Recent posts
Coming home
We belong to and are of the Earth but we bypass our sense of belonging. I missed this leaving home and my story mirrors our larger, human-wide journey. What do I need to come home?
Accessible, common and powerful
Awakening. It is not abstract. Instead approach this as accessible, common and powerful. It is helping us all to address our personal and planetary needs.
We are in a portal
I’ve a deep knowing: we humans have shifted. That’s disorienting so here’s 3 handrails to help: this is sourced in bliss; lubricated by peak oil; agreed by UN & 147 nations; and, all with dragonflies!