Independent and interdependent: our new economic story
Our next volume, our next meta-story if you like, is far more life-affirming
And it needs to be simple please but it is not simplistic. Hence these short videos. Enjoy!
Our modern storybook is one where we compete, innovate and generate wealth. It has been a time of wonders and…
It’s a cliffhanger ending to this modern-day series. We all know the edges—climate emergency, pandemic, structural racism, radical power imbalances—the meta-crises of the modern world.
The next series, our next economies, offer hope and life.
We keep the modern-marvels. We transcend limitations and weave in beauty, passion, collaboration and care.
Who is creating this? Four examples:
Kiri Dell explains how New Zealanders are seeing Maori cultural concepts embedded into the psyche of the nation.
This is delivering significant value.
It is expanding understanding into the unseen aspects of economies “dynamic energies that grow thrive reciprocate move between people” as Kiri puts it.
Sandra expands on the values of our new economies—what’s changing and how you-I-we are part of creating this.
She outlines six new economic values “a life-affirming set of values … people gravitating towards.”
This is creating a new economic narrative that “will guide us into a future where all can thrive.”
Steve Waddell on what we are creating: moving from GNP to how we share together, collaborate, support each other’s happiness and achieve our own.
We all know, in our hearts, we care about more than the accumulation of as many goods as possible. Yet, wealth is a powerful incentive. It can override health and joyfulness.
Consequently, this shift is truly transformational. Steve talks to the experimentation, prototyping and core inventions that really give birth to our next economies.
Glenn brings the macroscope to our conversations and economics. This scope lets us see the systems that we are embedded in.
We’re good and seeing detail—for example through a microscope. We’re not so good at seeing all of the interconnections and interdependencies we are part of.
Glenn is part of shifting this with many others, many others in our ‘villages’, virtual, geographic and economic. This is creating trust, a commodity you cannot buy, cannot sell yet can develop in our senses of place, and re-localization.
Links and posts
Photos and videos on this page are by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US. Except for Summer rain by Malcolm King Fontana & Sebastian Marbury here>
See individual videos for credits and background relevant to that video’s footage, music and words.
sp/ns (simple please, not simplistic) is supporting a new meme. The more commonly used tl/dr (too long, did not read) has outlived its usefulness 🙂
Summer rain
I believe in songs and poems and stories
Because they can pierce my heart
And the hearts of my heroes
And the hearts of their enemies
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