Beam and wave: sincerity leading change
We need to express a better world—Olafur Eliasson
We can see further—embracing enthusiasm beyond sarcastic criticism, being both authoritative and timid while neither arrogant nor tentative— sincerity with our irony!
Art helps make sense of this to address challenges like our climate.

Politicians discussing climate change
Isaac Cordal’s sculpture—Politicians Discussing Climate Change—is a lovely piece of sarcastic viral wit.
5 years on and I still smile with this image (actually called electoral campaign). Yet, there’s little encouragement here, enthusiasm and energy. It leaves me wanting more—criticizing without much empathy and insight. The way it’s used suggests problems arise because of a small and select group of society, politicians.

Climavores—low tide, shucked shellfish 😋
What happens when we do more? When we create change-waves, stories of engagement and future potentials? Alon Schwabe and Daniel Fernández Pascual, a dancer/performance artist and an architect, served meals to anyone prepared to walk out to their oyster table at low tide on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.
There are hope and agency here—eating is re-designed, we become climavores. We can simultaneously redesign, address climate change, personal impact and demonstrate the potential for (delicious) society shifts.

Din blinde passager
is a 39-metre-long corridor with simulated fog so thick you can barely see beyond your own outstretched arm. Lit with alternating white fluorescent and yellow monofrequency lamps, your eyes adjust to the lights and invent a rainbow of additional hues. All around you, shadowy outlines of fellow travellers surface and then disappear again into the murky depths and you become finely attuned to your senses.
Olafur Eliasson‘s a leading climate change artist creating spaces that engage our senses and challenge us for action. Expressing a better world includes wonder and excitement, in this example the rainbow of lights around us while in a ‘blind passage’.
I feel the impact on my senses as I imagine walking through this corridor and it is a metaphor that is having a combined effect on my intellect and feelings. I can imagine being blind—it sometimes feels like that wondering how to engage with today’s pressing challenges—and at the same time looking for, experiencing, the rainbow of diversity that’s helping create answers.
I like the awe this inspires!
Embracing enthusiasm beyond ironic indifference—neither nor both, opinionated nor tentative—is a little like internally reflecting and integrating the diversity we see in the world. That, in turn, is a source of great creativity.

Art, peace and environment
Art helps us to see possibilities. It leads to change and substantial step shifts. For example, see my Sanctuary talk (here) and Seth Abramson’s beautiful set of music, film and project examples (here).
Poetry keeps opening and remaking what I believe is possible too. Listen to Early, closer and wildness. It is three, 2 minute only, poetry wordsmith indulgences!
I’m beaming—if you like these are waves of emerging synergy and the coming together of multiple diverse perspectives.
Posts and links
On synergy with diversity see Elegant Attraction.
Delicious climate designed feasts? Climavores here>
The featured image is Moonrise Kingdom a lovely film of beauty in diversity (more about this meta-modern perspective here).

Diversity in the workplace
How not to do it 🙂 ? !
Saturday Night Lives’ diversity-training with Kate McKinnon. Chris Rock’s the diverse person.
Do damage control by out-diversing people you’ve offended…
Get the newsletter (story summary).
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