Infinite potential: Antony Gormley and places of transformation
We are not just things in space, we are places of transformation.*
Antony explains our potential to, in part, realise flourishing futures.
We are places of transformation
Each of us is a co-producer of a possible future.
Antony Gormley
Simply, but not simplistically, Antony explains that we matter much more than we usually think.
We are part of creating our presents and futures, addressing necessary transformations for human flourishing.
Yet, these quantum leap ideas—based in physics—are a step past our normal thinking patterns.
Watch the video > and/or read below.
- The way that quantum cloud works,
Relative positions
Antony explains: We are not just things in space, we are places of transformation.
And, furthermore, our relationship with others, with all phenomena, is very much a question of our relative positions.
That was something else that really deeply affected me about the physicist David Bohm’s work.
There’s us and the participant nature of the observer in the emerging of what we call reality.
- is that you are the determiner of what you see.
Particles and trajectories
The way that quantum cloud works is that you are the determiner of what you see.
This is a mess you know, I think of elements that are both particles and hopefully trajectories.
This comes together and, depending on where your position is—either in a boat or walking along the side of the Thames.
Depending on the time of day you will see, or not see, the possibility of a body.
- This is a mess of elements both particles and, I hope, trajectories.
Fundamental implications
Quantum physics invites us to be participators in that emerging world.
It has very fundamental philosophical, spiritual and political implications.
Essentially each of us is a co-producer of a world.
Each of us is a co-producer of a possible future.
- Depending on where your position is and the time of day
The right level of uncertainty
Antony says: The work of people like Einstein, Bohm, they are like huge windows opening.
Opening in the imagination to a way of dealing with life and the things we encounter within it.
Dealing freshly and, in a sense, with the right level of uncertainty.
- you will see, or not see, the possibility of a body.
Links and credits
This is an edited extract of Antony Gormley speaking on Infinite Potential: The life and ideas of David Bohm. The video above is the interview extract. The whole film was available but is not currently free access. See Infinite potential website for more>
For more on imagination, a quantum leap and the transformations we’re making / need to make for a flourishing future see:
- Surfing simultaneous states: Beauty, fear, joy and despair >
- sp/ns 2: A story upgrade >
- Attractors: strangely, we keep getting pulled in >
- sp/ns: simple please, not simplistic >
- Imagination: keys to a quantum leap >
- and/or the visual index here >
Feature video and still: Kalandra—Concrete Landscapes, Morten Rustad, Creative Commons BY-NC; Other photos from Infinite Potential documentary except resources section background photo is by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution, Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
Key and Peele—Turbulence
For a different sort of leap 🤣
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