Windows and corona: what you’ve opened so far
For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is to let it rain — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Are we and will we build back better? As we live into this great transformation, the corona(tion) that’s been rushed upon us, here are some of the pictures and thoughts submitted so far to love in the time of corona.

I see more people outside, walking with their families and their dogs, biking, hiking, sitting around fires, working in their gardens, recreating their time; smiling and waving when they see other people!
Nature is there to welcome us, hey, where have you been? I’ve been here all along, she says through her clearing lungs. We need her and we need each other. Rachael W.

The new world order?
And perhaps this window captures some of the possibilities.
Robert G.

Katrina, window light, pinups
My pandemic photo diary started as a way to express myself through images…
What I’m learning is to shift my perspective, pause and look at my surroundings with open eyes, an open mind, and an open heart. Auey S.*

What do I see opening/closing?
Peaceful, hopeful, nature-connected sunset view
South Harris, Outer Hebrides.
Michael S.

In this time of isolating at home we have bears in our windows: my bear is a little horse called Rocket. We now need a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving the house and going on a bear hunt is an excellent excuse.
Sending love to the author of this famous children’s book, Michael Rosen, who is in hospital with Coronavirus. Rocket enjoys being part of an international movement and watching the future generation of humans pointing, waving, smiling. Jen.

What do I see opening/closing?
Opening: the possibility and reality of magic, miracles, peace on earth, healing and universal brotherhood, nurturing, kindness, harmony, the balance of the feminine in all, and abundance for all.
Closing: Masculine dominated energy of control in all; conquer, domination, rape, abuse, greed and lack.
Leandra H.
I see the possibility of a breakdown of the patriarchy which has shaped, informed and controlled all our systems, most of which don’t work or don’t work well enough to allow equality, acceptance, fairness, equity, sharing, respect and stewardship of Gaia and all beings in the visible and unseen realms. Droughts, fires, floods and disease.
Let’s ready ourself to create anew with dignity and inclusiveness, a world where our religion is each other, our practise is our life, our prayer is our words, our Temple the Earth, forests our church, holy water our rivers lakes and oceans, meditation our relationship, our Teacher life, wisdom our self-knowledge and love the centre of our being. Heather C.
Links and posts
This post collects the first submissions to what you all saw opening enclosing. Please upload your picture photo video person story or more and read the short background to this in The window: love in the time of corona here >
The poetry tag on this site here> collects posts connecting hope and despair, closing and opening, insight and withdrawal.
The feature picture and window light is by Auey Santos. See window light on her website plus the pandemic diary on facebook here >
Full First dog on the moon cartoon here >

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