Storms: thunder, creativity and impact
They’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up a thundercloud, and they’re going to hear from me — Leonard Cohen
We become courageous. Maybe we have no choice. Yet, helping to create beauty feels like unique life-giving vitality.
The world is rolling with thunder. Thunder of very different kinds.
On one day— at Transformations 2019, held for the first time in a southern country: Chile—it was the thunderous applause of appreciation and celebration at the conclusion of the fourth international conference on social transformations to sustainability.
Then, I took the opportunity to hike in the high Andes. Resting at the foot of a rapidly retreating glacier in the unseasonable heat of a southern spring, it was the thunder of ice collapsing off the glacier’s edge.
Returning to Santiago in the late afternoon, a city suddenly in violent unrest as economic polarization and political discontent boiled over in response to a metro fare increase, it was the thunder of Molotov cocktails in the streets near our hotel.
Each, by itself, was profoundly impactful. Together, they teach an even bigger lesson!

Protests in Chile, first in Santiago, started with a fare rise and students deliberately evading paying the increase. Photo via @mage
For what brought some 200 people from across the world together in Santiago was motivated by the very un-sustainabilities these thunderous events portend: the unfolding climate and environmental crisis as much as the vast social injustices created by profit-driven, exploitative economic development. Both spring from long and complex entanglements of deep-seated driving forces, but in the end, it is nothing but gravity on a particularly warm day, or the last straw breaking the back that has carried the burden of economic hardship and irresponsive politics for far too long.
And Chile is just one such hotspot on our planet. World news today tells of protests in Beirut, Hong Kong, London, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Argentina, Croatia, and Spain; bombs are exploding in Syria and Afghanistan. The president of the once-stable powerhouse America may or may not be impeached, but in the shadows of that political showdown continue daily gun violence, persistent racism, environmental injustice, a growing climate movement, humanitarian atrocities against immigrants escaping economic depravity made worse by climate change, and the list goes on.
In fact, such lists go on in every country. The unacceptability of violence against humans and nature is coming to a boiling point. Yet in the quiet near-normal morning hours of downtown Santiago, among the spring flowers and birds in the high mountains of the Cordillera, in the friendly faces of an inspiring conference, we tend to forget how close we are to that thunderous eruption.

Yo! To a system responsible for rape and murder [metaphorical or otherwise], I will not forgive or forget…
Graphiti in Santiago. Photo via @mage
The unacceptability of violence against humans and nature is coming to a boiling point — Susi Moser
We must not! The kind of transformation needed now, a truly just and environmentally restorative transformation such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement entail – that transformation will not come about because policy-makers sign an international agreement, or because someone invents a beautiful new, fix-it-all technology. Not even close.
This transformation will come about – in fact, is already underway – because natural systems collapse, because people can’t take it anymore. Because limits – non-negotiable limits – have been reached, at which point we have to let go of the familiar and convenient, let go as well of entitlements and maybe illusions that we will transform our society in smooth and easy and peaceful ways.
Transformations of the scope and magnitude needed now begin with endings. With loss. With explosive eruptions over deprivations and injustices. They launch from the old ways no longer working, not from business as usual. We may wish for innovation and emergence of a beautiful new world, and visions of that better world are critically important as our North Star. But we must not lose sight of the powder keg of discontent on which we sit. Transformation is inevitably dangerous. For grievance to transform, it will take grief. We are in it now.

Plaza Italia, Santiago 18 November, Sunset. Photo @jooooooovergara
But transformation does not – decidedly not – have to be deadly. Disruption does not have to be destruction.
And that’s why what happened at Transformations 2019 is so important. We began to understand ourselves as a growing community, not yet inclusive of all the voices needed, but nonetheless a community growing in strength from the friendships we are forming; from the diversity of Northern and Southern, academic, NGO, private sector and government voices learning to hear each other; from the practices we use to hold spaces for engaging each other in sharing and sensemaking; and from the stories we carry, take apart and are beginning to rewrite.
And because we engage this transforming world, we realized how we are, in fact, becoming active players: relevant, solutions-oriented and useful. We saw that we are becoming aware of the responsibility this involvement entails. Ethics is ever more important in our work, even if what is “the right thing to do” and what is “right” is not always clear at all. We began to acknowledge – maybe more openly than ever before – that we do our work in epistemological and ontological, strategic, tactical and evaluative uncertainty. Inevitably so, maybe rightly so, demanding of us an unfamiliar level of humility in our work.
Maybe, at Transformations 2019, we became more courageous. Because actively engaging a transforming world, even if we are not bolstered by a sense of certainty or moral righteousness, confronts us with power. The powers that be, and our own, as well as any lack of power we may feel. It demands that we engage with the politics of what is, that we confront who we are – as researchers, activists, decision-makers, humans – and question how we dare to matter, who we want to be, and who we are becoming as the world itself changes.
At Transformations 2019, even before the unrest exploded, the urgency to act was palpable. Among the most concrete needs we articulated was that for building capacity – our own and that of others – to hold space for transformative dialogues about our collective futures. To connect across disciplines, sectors and differences, and support each other through this difficult time. In a world, where city squares, border regions and ocean basins, forests, fields and darkening skies are becoming “sacrifice zones”, we understood that every choice matters.
What we maybe didn’t realize, but understand today as the squares are burning, is that all these insights are not theoretical. They demand being lived every day, in the squares we already inhabit and return to, as well as those that await us tomorrow.
So we leave Santiago, knowing that, every day, it matters that we work to hold the tension of paradoxical truths, polarization and discontent so that yet-unknown resolutions can emerge. Every day, it matters that we help re-direct those tensions toward creativity and impact. Every day, it matters that we hold and support each other, course-correct toward the more difficult work of understanding and insight. Every day, it matters that we decide against becoming soldiers of destruction and instead decide to become warriors of peace.
And if we did – that would be the loudest thunder yet echoing from Santiago and Transformations 2019.

Plaza Italia in Santiago. Photo via @mage

Streets in Chile, November 2019. Photo via @mage

What are we going to do tonight? Cacerolaza! Photo via @jaimertaker See the stew pot revolution post for more on cacerolaza.
Posts and links
This post was originally published as Transformations 2019: Coda on the SDG Transformations Forum. It is lightly edited for this format.
Susanne Moser, Director and Principal Researcher of Susanne Moser Research & Consulting, based in Hadley, MA, a Research Faculty in the Environmental Studies Department of Antioch University New England and an Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning at UMass-Amherst. She Chaired the Transformations2019 Scientific Committee.
For other transformation and Chile stories see the picture and short description index here>
The Transformations 2019 conference was held this October (2019) in Santiago, Chile. More information here>
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Transformations Forum seeks to address big complex change—paradigm shifts, radical innovation, alternatives and transitions. More here>
Feature photo: Susi Moser’s picture of a mural at the University of Chile. Other photos Chile despartó: @mage photos thread here>; @jooooooovergara here>; @jamiertaker here>
Leonard Cohen’s quote is from his song Anthem. On the playlist below are some of the songs being sung (by visitors to Santiago) while the tear gas grenades explode. See cracks where the light gets in here>
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