Transgressive: next systems and thinking patterns
The power to question is the basis of all human progress—Indira Gandhi
You, I, we are breaking the social norms. In seeking solutions to global crises, we’re creating new thinking patterns.
Our crises are solved from the next level of thinking above that which created them.
Covid is changing our thinking patterns. For example, this is the first time everyone is sharing a global experience. It is becoming obvious how we perceive an issue, our feelings, modifies how we act.
This is true across many fields of life including research—the hunt for a vaccine is connected to individual intuition, political imperatives and clinical trials. Acknowledging all those pieces is transgressive.
What does that mean? Play the video>
Or read below:
As you know
The times demand transformation:
action WITH research.
That’s transgressive!
I-you-we are entangled in creating flourishing futures…
That’s what Action-oriented Research for Transformations and your reflection is doing.
I-you-we get to choose.
It’s not about someone else acting.
Researchers and everyone are the solutions.
always acting, not dispassionate, the transgressive difference.
In this reflection you are, we are, beyond conventional thinking.
Transgressive as it, you, we are breaking the social norms
That’s Action Research for Transformation,
Knowledge creators have influence.
Transgressively recognize it…
When we’re reflective we recognize our subjective influence on research and those we are engaged with:
Co-producing a better world for all
takes all of us, transgressively.
Our collaborative crises, covid, climate,
are solved together,
It’s just as well Action-oriented Research for Transformations (ART) is transgressive as we need fast change
There’s no other choice.
We can’t cure the climate or corona plague
through competition alone.
Connected collaboration is transgressive.
In other words such researchers, you-I-us, are co-producing a better world for all:
You influence your research,
it’s not objective! In recognizing that
I-you-we are influential. Phew 😅
Transgress to transformational.
We need this paradigm shift
We won’t solve our crisis
with the level of thinking that created them.
Fortunately, ART
is transgressive. I-u-we are mirroring the change we need to see.

Links and posts
This is a version of a post that first appeared on the Action Research Plus website here>
If you’d like to see this in action in Manila here> through climate-x here>, or just go all out and transform Swedish hospitals, MBA programs, community learning and more… That’s what ARTists do (their stories and resources here). Time to connect up; time to scale these efforts!
For more images, videos and articles on stories and transformation see:
- We need help! For transformations here>
- Hidden stories: Shifting our thinking patterns here>
- For Sandra Waddock on memes and narratives see Shamanic sensemaking: conscious transformation here> and her recent paper on Reframing and transforming economics around life here> plus:
- Memes, stories, narratives: Essential for wellbeing here>
- For a practical example of how this works see Powerful stories: we’re better together here>
- George Monbiot explains the importance in Disorder afflicts the land: and a story hero to restore harmony! here>
- Infinite potential: Antony Gormley and places of transformation here>
- Connected: Richard Walley and Nyungar universal language here>
- For more on what draws us in see Attractors: Strangely we keep getting pulled in here>
A visual index of articles about transformation is here> and short simple but not simplistic please videos is here>
Video and reflection picture by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US Footage and song from Marram feat. Jarvis Cocker and Margaret Bennett – Falling From The Sun (Official Video), creative commons.
feat. Jarvis Cocker and Margaret Bennett – Falling From The Sun (Official Video)
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