Three transformations: Fall 2022
Dive deeper…
Deeper still?!
3 programs to taste
to touch-in with
to embrace all the way.
Choose your depth 🙂 And transformative flavors!
October is a grand showcase for connection. Leading the pack is the Inner Green Deal. It has just started hosting monthly community events.
The first—the value of connection & community to address the climate crisis—featured Jamie Bristow. It was a deeply engaging and beautiful dive, guided practice and deep listening.
Find out more about the Inner Green Deal here> And Jaime Bristow here>
Please see the comments below, on this Benevolution page, for the next monthly conversation. I’ll post it there once it is announced.

Nurturing the Fields of Change is the Alef Trust’s new program and community of practice:
fostering a more just, equitable, and sustainable world
We will be exploring:
- How can we nurture holistic system change in the world?
- How can we open to nature and collective wisdom?
- How are mind, heart, body and spirit engaged in our work?
- How do we inspire coherent action for transformational outcomes?
- How do we experience and approach the challenges we encounter?
Find out more here> and the 3 circles of involvement it has that you can connect through.
Check the comments below, on this Benevolution page, for updates as they are announced.

Generating Transformative Change
Sometimes Generating Transformative Change, GTC for short, feels like the grandmama of them all. And then, over 20 years and 3 continents, it’s evolved and transformed many and itself/ourselves.
you are part of a small, intimate cohort of people from diverse backgrounds, held and challenged in a learning field of unique depth, intimacy and embrace. Together we stretch ourselves as we drop into a place of deep acceptance and an exploration of the shadow and light of human existence. And we learn about theory and the practice of human transformation.
What emerges out of these practices is a new way of being and acting, both individually and collectively in the world. This way is grounded in the universal within all of us and expressed uniquely through each of us.
More is here>
Please see the comments below, on this Benevolution page, for the next introduction conversation. I’ll post it there once it is announced.
Links and credits
On (be) Benevolution you will find a visual index of articles transformation index here>
For different sorts of transformation try Key & Peele’s Oddest elderly characters—video below/right 🙂
Photos from referenced websites. Additional photos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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