Pause: for music
Self replenishment, a little fun and reflective conversation?!
This post, by Hilary Bradbury, is from the Action Research AMICABLE coLAB
Action research coLABs (short for coLABoratorship) are workshops to unite thinking and doing.
Hosted and created by Action Research plus, Hilary Bradbury and others these coLABs:
foster friendly, person-centered spaces as dynamos of good Action oriented Research for Transformation (ART) in different domains, from education to healthcare, to sustainable organizing. Co-labs invite participants to work within the collaborative spirit of action research with special attention to cultivating the conditions in which collaboration—self and community—can happen.
The post below is by Hilary Bradbury on our recent Amicables session.

Hilary Bradbury
We’re sharing a little from our latest Amicables coLAB. In it a group of ARTists had a wonderful time sharing and discussing the power of music. Consider it music for a pause. There’s also a podcast that brings deeper insight to the experience of music as we learn – and teach – through it.
In the healing category
Music médecine:
Singing ice (a recording of Arctic ice):
In the category of spirituality with a twist
I got so high that I saw Jesus:
In the Simon Divecha’s most played songs of the moment category:
Reflecting on the power of music with Grammy awardee Allison Russell. The Ezra Klein Show
What is it about music that enables it to work so powerfully on our bodies, minds and emotions? That is one of the core animating questions of this conversation with Allison Russell. Russell is a Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter whose debut album, “Outside Child,” was named one of the best albums of 2021.
Alongside powerhouse vocals and gorgeous melodies, Russell infuses a deep scholarly curiosity into her songs — not just about the nature and power of music, but also what it can teach listeners about our world. Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Links and credits
Hilary Bradbury is the Editor of the Action Research Journal and curator of ActionResearchPlus (AR+). More here>
For background on coLABs please see
The post is a repost, with permission, from AR+. Original is here>
On (be) Benevolution you will find a visual index of articles transformation index here> and on climate here>
Photos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
Hilary Bradbury on good action and research
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