Emerging: human consciousness
The human species, I-you-us!, are waking-up.
This spring brings an outpouring of evidence that we, humans are growing up to meet our meta-challenges, the crises we are all intimately connected with and to.
Our consciousness and waking up to meet the crises of our times
This month, April 2022, three stellar reviews were launched.
- The Murmuration Project
- Conscious Communities Project
- Meeting the climate crisis inside-out
All point to a step change.
New ways of understanding ourselves and the world around us. You-I-we are enabling softer landings and alleviating much suffering for all sentient beings.

The Murmuration Project and its accompanying report is a tour-de-force by Jen Morgan and Liz Murphy. It beautifully mirrors a murmuration, a large synchronous group of birds with movement initiated from anywhere in the flock.
That mirror is surveyed across our society and the multiples of individuals and organizations engaged in supporting the emergence of consciousness, new paradigms of being together that support and enhance life.
sustain, evolve and grow… to better meet the context of our times
Jen and Liz cover:
- The murmuration origin story—how this inquiry came to be.
- Living action inquiry—cycles of action learning for collective insight.
- The landscape— our emerging context, potential barriers and opportunities.
- Complexity and human consciousness—including the possibility of accelerating our consciousness growth.
- Organizations and networks expanding human consciousness.
- Fitness—areas of strength, areas for development
- Collaborative field-building—including murmurations as a metaphor for change.
- What is emerging—five areas for exploration and action.
Plus an extensive appendix of organizations active around catalyzing greater consciousness.

Nurturing our fields of change
In this moment, right now, is the culmination and completion of the old world. It’s ideas that we are primarily individuals, separate from nature and our life support systems are breaking. Transcending this is our understanding of our connectedness.
The Conscious Communities Project (CCP) showcases the living dynamics of this holistic change.
Slow down
Attend to Being.
Attune to the calling of Soul
and calibrate your intentions.
Then let the unfolding begin. Notice what wantS to happen…
Attune to others.
Nurture coherence between you.
And witnesS the deeper intention ripple into our world.
This project, in part, looks at integral shifts. Standout change addressing our interiors and external conditions on an individual, singular and collective level. Integral (all quadrants, all levels) change.
There are 12 projects across Mexico, South Africa, Romania, Pakistan, Ireland, and the UK. In the CCP’s wonderful report the multiple project leaders, mentors and facilitators showcase their inquiry into questions such as:
- The living experience of holistic change facilitation?
- How mind, heart, body and spirit are engaged ?
- What challenges are we experiencing?
- The role of Earth and nature in their work?
- What qualities and skills seed transformative outcomes?
- What’s needed to flourish?
- What role do other stakeholders play?
The Alef Trust’s Nurturing the fields of change, CCP report is here>

Meeting the climate crisis inside-out
Climate change is not an external technological crisis but a relationship crisis.
Professor Christine Wamsler
Our climate crisis is the result of disconnection. It is rooted in a cultural story—humans are separate from other species and intrinsically superior to nature.
Such perspectives are an inner human crisis and at the heart of our climate emergency. Empirical studies and systematic academic reviews all point to the evidence that climate is about us and our inseparability from the worlds around us.
The Mindfulness Initiative beautifully demonstrates this with the presence we can bring, and the impact we can have, through stepping into connections. Watch the launch in the video below>. Read the report here>

Links and credits
The Murmuration Project here>
The Alef Trust here>
The Mindfulness Initiative here>
Pictures: Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US. Except Murmuration © Copyright Walter Baxter and licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence and feature image and thumbnail by Renee.
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Plus, have a look at Generating Transformative Change Africa https://www.pacificintegral.com/gtc-africa