It is a walk along four paths—the physical, then collective systems, feelings and shared cultures. It is also a journey in time from the equinox to now, the solstice.
That’s a fifth path, a standstill. It has been this way for all of our lifetimes and for millennia. Play the video for this guided, integral 14-minute walk.
Links and posts
This guided meditation, vitrual walk, was part of a Generating Transformative Change call. Find out more at Pacific Integral>
For more images, videos and articles on stories and transformation see:
- For more on what draws us in see Attractors: Strangely we keep getting pulled in here>
- Hidden stories: Shifting our thinking patterns here>
- Sandra Waddock on memes and narratives see Shamanic sensemaking: conscious transformation here> plus:
- David Korten on Transformation: 8 steps to a new economy for the 21st century here>
- For a practical example of how this works see Powerful stories: we’re better together here>
A visual index of articles about transformation is here> and short simple but not simplistic please videos is here>
Photos by Festina Lentívaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.
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