Meta-modern business: outcompete common practice
“Like all social constructs, the market could be different: we have created the market and we can change it,” Tomas Björkman. *
Looking for a common future for all of humanity while our businesses outcompete inequitable and environmentally alarming enterprises?
Dramatic step shifts can occur. They consistently have occured. The next society and business model is emerging, today.
A meta-modern business case
Business and human futures often seem in conflict. Can for profit enterprise inherently help to deliver dignity, personal growth, responsibility? Can it enhance our faith in a better tomorrow and alleviate oceans of suffering for all sentient beings?
Major changes are underway in the way we do business. Together, with society and human developmental shifts it is likely a new system is on its way.
This is not a simple move. It is a step change. A system-wide step change ushering in solutions with climate, sustainability, care, personal wellbeing and socially synthesised business models.
We’re increasingly able to piece together the evidence that such a society programming shift is underway. It is bringing about new society coding, business reimagined — meta-modern business.
What is so different?
Synergy is a key difference. Today’s common procedures tend to be about social add-ons or environmental solutions with technology and transforming materials. Such actions seek greater efficiency, using less resources, cheaper material inputs and minimise labour for productivity and profit.
If this sounds good that’s your very fine modern trained business brain talking! However, it’s not a different paradigm from current day thinking and the way we created today’s messes.
What does it look like when the more profitable a business is it cannot avoid helping to reverse global warming? If the more it sells it can’t help but increase social cohesion?
Business futures
The evidence for a next step — meta-modern business — is around us. There have been similar shifts in the past.
The industrial revolution swept away old production models. It was not just machinery. Innovators and entrepreneurs worked out how to harness the efforts of many people. Tasks were structured simply and repetitively delivering good quality and low costs with semi and unskilled labour.
Similarly, the iDevice and Information revolution is with us now. Exponentially cheaper materials alongside desires for individualism fuel disruptive change.
However, it is hard to see such change in the early stages. Just ask Nokia, Kodak and Motorola’s Iridium. We often miss paradigm shifts while they are starting. For example, see Salim Ismail’s Exponential Organisations for a succinct description of how Nokia tried to shore up its position using conventional thinking and failed spectacularly.
The history of such society step changes goes back well beyond industry and information. Today, when I look, I can find the signs that show we’re on our way to another shift. A few examples are Interface, Flogro and Allbirds.
These companies have integrated models. These can, ever more beneficially, improve environmental and social factors with profit and scale. Potential perverse outcomes aside.
Critically, this is beyond technology — social, community, emotional and care connections are part of delivery, part of success.
At the same time these companies are signposts. I am not claiming they are necessarily meta-modern businesses. And, to be clear, such meta-modern concepts are not a utopia. However, they go well beyond business as usual. The whole company concepts transcend traditional business productivity models. Social, environmental and economic answers are an integrated part of success. That’s different thinking and characteristic of an societal upshift.
What entity wants to be the next Kodak, Nokia or Iridium? Allbirds, Interface and Flogro are far more attractive.
We’re in a world of many types of fast change. We’re experiencing exponential shifts across multiple measurable and more subtle fields of work and thought. We have global imperatives to address pressing problems.
These are some of the trends supporting meta-modern business. It is a synthesis: synergistic social, environmental and economic models delivering a whole that is more than the sum of each of the indivdual parts.
Ray Anderson
In this delightful TED talk Ray Anderson, former CEO of Interface, redefines what is possible for business. It takes you through his and the company’s story as they realised sustainability change is possible and profitable.
You’ll see paradigm shifts — step changes — beautifully illustrated by Ray. Watch as he explores this with The New Civilisation at Interface.
Start looking and you’ll see signs of meta-modern business.
Allbirds is a great example reimagining what’s possible to break into a highly competitive market (shoes). It uses expensive materials such as wool of a type that usually goes into designer Armani style suits.
Its materials are much more sustainable than the plastics and synthetics similar shoes are made from. It derives carbon negative shoe soles from sugar cane waste (in partnership with a supplier).
It delivers a large comfort bonus. This includes, for example, an emotional feeling that your feet are wrapped in a soft wool suspension.
However, you can buy the shoes relatively inexpensively compared to competing brands (USD90). It does not need to inflate the price of shoes some 400% (a common competitor mark-up).
The business model is created and enabled by the wholistic, integrated values above. It works. Allbirds is a 1.4Bn dollar company just 4 years after startup.
Prawn farming in England?
The UK is not a source of warm water prawns – it’s cold!
Upend that. What does it look like to create a market from farming local fresh, great tasting, prawns? This can happen when we reinvent the system with renewable energy, more sustainable feed supplies and reliability direct to the restaurant market. Flogro is doing this with fresh prawns from Linconshire, UK.
Articles and books
For a compelling read, including the state of likelihood for such a shift to meta-modern, see Hanzi Freinacht’s book The Listening Society. It is “a dangerous book” making the case for substantive change based on human development and ongoing step changes in society’s programming code.
* Thomas is Founder of Ekskäret Foundation, Stockholm and Co-founder of Perspectiva Institute, London. The quote is from his Medium article on The Market Myth.
For a great article on What Is Metamodernism? see Seth Abramson’s Huffington Post piece.
In Kyiv this September (2019)? See the MetaModern Arts Festival.
Stirgil Simpson
Feel a meta-modern shift is unlikely? It’s made it to country music! Stirgil Simpson, Metamodern Sounds in Country Music.
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