Chile 🔥🔥🔥: transformation points
Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. — Walt Whitman
I’m crying for everyone in Santiago. It exploded Friday night.
Yet there’s hope alongside trauma. I see deep fractals and underlying places, diversity, from which may come nurturing for all sentient life.
Tear gas, rhythm and fire
I’m sitting in downtown Santiago, mostly avoiding breathing tear gas, inside a hostel. I thought I could help by connecting out some more.
It’s pretty energetic outside. I’m close to the centre of the city having picked this place so I could walk to the Transformations 2019 conference. The conference was wonderful. You all really need to come to the next one!
However, Santiago is on fire at the moment—figuratively and literally.
First is what’s been happening from my view—500m from Place Italia. Second, loosely, why I think it is relevant/entwined with benevolutionaries and transformation—the idea of substantial and deep shifts, embracing the pain and hope, affecting how we make sense of the world together, our shared assumptions (modern-day story about how the world works), economies, political systems and technological change in quantum meaningful leaps.
The catalyst here was a price hike that took metro costs to 20% of a weekly family income. It was quiet then suddenly….:
Friday night, earlier in the night when I left the street, it felt only delightfully mad :—). There was no tear gas or police near me (as there was for others) and just a bunch of protest. The whole place was alive, be bë be be bee be, chunk chun chunk shunk chung chung, Clang cla clang Clang clang clang: pot lids, car horns, clapping, water gallon drums with fork drumsticks, stamping, marching, whistling, loud and constant.
It felt more like a festival than a protest: young, families, babies, all present.
I was at a restaurant on a side street. Then the local ice cream moped turned up and tried to compete with his jingle. The whole place (restaurant) cracked up laughing. 90% of the diners had been joining in when protests pieces came past. Ahhhhhh, cities 🙂 ❤️
It got a lot noisier through the night. Garbage bonfires went up in the street junction just down the road from my hostel. Metro stations got burnt and trains. We shut down the last conference meeting halfway through Saturday to get back to hotels etc. safely. By the afternoon it was getting wild outside of where I’m staying. Roadblocks from burning / burnt out buses on all the major intersections right next to the hostel, folks smashing their way into shops, looting, pulling up pavement and using it as rocks to smash non-broken bus windows, toppling over traffic lights, roadblocks on the corner helping to shut down the Place Italia to troops and carabinieri. And then there were people simply out walking, kind of celebrating and hanging out at the roadblocks, not worrying anyone on foot/bikes.
Sometimes it was quite bizarre. A full riot squad and armored vans firing teargas on the other side of the street. People walking casually past on my side of the street (I was inside!). Tank armored cars loaded with troops, large-caliber machine cannons, rolling past in convoys. 5 plus at a time.
And, I really like this city. I empathize with the protests too. The young guy who checked me in here came through last night saying he’s so proud of everyone, waking up, never seen anything like it, he says, in his lifetime. At the same time the buses and trains are devastated—people who can afford cars will be ok… For those with longer memories I’d imagine it is, to say the least, quite difficult—a Pinochet era law not used like this since then. That’s very present—part of the conference was in repurposed Pinochet police building finally back in use as part of the university. Those buildings were one of the main torture centers.
Sometimes it’s emotionally overwhelming. I feel like crying (and do) for the hope and pain within all of this, for everyone here.
By tonight, Sunday, its upped a notch. There are huge crowds (filmed from TV helicopters) in the streets. We’re on a 7 pm curfew not that anyone outside is going to be stopped, seemingly, by that. There’s a pretty awesome rhythm the protest has going with everything from bells, syncopated whistles to base drum and boards. Plus, um – wow – water cannons right on the street right outside. Guy walks up hammers the water cannon tank and then sits down in front of it. Carabinieri in riot gear eventually swarm him… His dog tries to play with the carabinieri.

Friday night


Saturday morning

Saturday morning

Saturday night
Water cannon, man and his dog through a drenched window.
Why transformations—benevolution?
This is simultaneously evocative, fear-inducing as well as energizing, clearly inspirational for some, hopeful and even reassuring for the ever-present universal attractive forces to usher in and create transforming beauty from such diversity. At the same time, it is traumatic and indicative of un-reconcilable stresses.
I mean that last part, indicative, in the loosest sense. The sort of very subtle meaning and interconnections Walt Whitman implies saying “Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you” and Hilary Bradbury while talking about “trust and so much more in the energetic fields between us”.* Those tensions seem to be everywhere, shared similar very subtle facets, globally. We’re fracturing and our current system is destabilizing, self terminating, so many fissures, great divergence and fertile space for the new. That’s the best sense I could make of all these many crazy edgy pieces, while shedding tears for everyone out there last night, at midnight.
We seem to be at a time when holding the traumatic and painful, alongside the spaces for flourishing, emerging-thriveable futures, is arrayed in front of us. Even if we’re not aware of many of the depths and potentials of this. And while things may get a lot darker (this may not be a quick journey). One of my dreams and hopes, this feels alive for me around everyone I met at the conference here in Santiago, you and many of my friends, is we are helping to weave those bits—holding spaces to catalyse and create, from these multidimensional deep fractals, stuff that’s new, nurturing and deeply rewarding for all sentient life.
Ok, that wasn’t a short article! If you feel it’s appropriate post bits about this, or all, to whoever / whatever electronic channels you like. There are many people here asking for international attention and asking for international attention. Your help help may assist moderating violence.
Harpist on a burnt bus — Cesar A. Hidalgo @cesifoti
Posts and links
“We can actually forecast a more beautiful future and select to help create that.“
Some of the themes in this post are around what’s emerging and universal attractive forces. See Elegant Attraction (here)—love and the beauty we can be part of consciously creating.
Transformations is a series of conferences (every two years) to support transformative shift and address climate, contemporary society and environmental challenges. The fourth conference was in Santiago last week (here).
Walt Whitman’s quote is from Leaves of Grass (Book 3, Song of Myself). Free kindle edition here>
Hilary Bradbury’s quote is in Cooking with Action Research (here—see chapter 7).
All photos by Festina LentĂvaldi, (be) Benevolution. Reuse: Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US. Exceptions: Tear gas thrower (unknown); Harpist on a burnt-out bus Ceasar A. Hidalgo

Monday noon
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Why is it that the local people want transformation, change, unity with diversity but there always seems to be such opposition especially at the top based on greed and power? It seems this has always been a theme from the beginning of time for people! Yet we look at what has been created all around us in nature-beauty, wonder,order and change at the same time-awe and mystery. Each person is unique, equally valuable. Perhaps we have all this opposition to help us choose what is right, wonderful and transforming. I believe one day this transformation we all hunger for will come about. I love what Julian of Norwich said centuries ago-“All is well, All will be well. All matter of things will be well.” That is my hope. I can be the compassion, support, listener, love,forgiveness, passion, aliveness, hope and reality of my humanness and short comings in my ‘small world’ —whether I’m in Montana,Mexico and wherever I am.thank you Simon for sharing your amazing experience.
It’s all very sad but protests as we have known them over human history, such as the French, Russian and other revolutions in the long run did little to change things. Only species-wide causes driven by an a species-wide existential threat such as climate change has a chance of succeeding. It was climate change that drove our forebears 70,000 years ago to arise as one to flee Africa – and we exist because they did
Thanks Samuel. I certainly agree with you on the historic difficulties of change and we’re now in a very different world. For the first time humans are globally interconnected, with the awareness our impacts are self-terminating and knowing our modern-day thinking (that got us into this mess) also has given us some of the tools to fix it. However, we won’t answer the problems with the same level (modern-day thinking and cultural programing) that created them.
That’s the focus of some of the Transformations 2019 conference in Chile. Some more background here:
Similarly, see this wonderful talk for what we can and are creating, the strong attractive forces that motivate such change, now.
Our current world is clearly unstable and, while far from certain, that’s the opportunity (similar to previous society paradigm shifts) to usher in the new—alleviating much suffering.