Hollow Top: its changing faces
The future has an ancient heart — Carlo Levi
Take a tour around the ridge. Hollow Top has many faces through the season, from afar or on top of it. And through this all it’s ancient heart lights me up.

Hollow Top from Pony, Pony Days 2019

Hollow Top from Pony, Pony Days 2019

Winter sunrise

Summer sunrise

Fall / autumn morning

Late spring sunrise

From Skytop Lake

Poker ride day

Late summer 2019

Mid summer 2019

Mid winter

Early fall / autumn

Fall / autumn 2019
All pictures by Festina Lentívaldi except feature image/video by Malcolm King-Fontana Reuse please credit creator and (be) Benevolution Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0 US.

From the ridge and peak 2019
Who made the world? Who made the swan and the black bear?
The summer day
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